
  • Project Type:


  • Architect:

    Šafer Hájek Architekti

  • Location:

    Prague 8 – Karlín

  • Year:

    2004 – 2006

  • Size:

    2,631 m², 20 residential units

  • Awards:

    Nový domov 2006, Grand Prix of the Architects' Association, Best of Realty 2006 – 3rd place

The Kollárova project involved the renovation of a mid-19th-century tenement house with a modern extension added to the interior courtyard. This was the first residential project by the Karlín Group in the ongoing urban renewal of Karlín. Šafer Hájek Architekti incorporated new materials into the design and were sensitive to the preservation of this listed historical building. The design’s staggered composition allowed for abundant natural internal light and extensive views of greenery for the residents.

Šafer Hájek Architekti

Founded in 1993 by Jaroslav Šafer and Oldřich Hájek, Šafer Hájek Architekti has designed many significant buildings and architectural ensembles, receiving awards in both architectural competitions and exhibitions of completed buildings. Their portfolio includes residential, civic, landscape, and both private and public sector projects. Their most notable work includes the conversion of the Zámecký Hotel in Dolní Břežany and new residential buildings such as River Diamond, another project by the Karlín Group.

The apartments are urbanistically connected to a park, which replaced the site of former factory halls, and today separates the project from the neighboring administrative complex of Corso, designed by architect Ricardo Bofill. The building also benefits from the atmosphere of the nearby Karlín Square, and the magnificent Church of Cyril and Methodius and a park bordered by the largest plane tree avenue in Prague.